Between Places
Showing both new generation and confirmed contemporary artists, la mire, issue from Lumen created in 1999, remains an important player in the art scene in the Centre Region – Loire Valley in the fields of photography and visual arts. Until 2012, la mire shared the exhibition space Oulan Bator, Contemporary Art Pole with The POCTB (Le pays où le ciel est toujours bleu). Between 2001 and 2008, la mire associated to Cent Soleils created the place Images du Pôle and shared the program about documentary images (exhibitions-archives lumen). This program offered alternating between collective and solo exhibitions. They were accompanied by an educational program to create a space for meeting, exchange and reflection.
In 2012, la mire continues its activity between two territories, the Region Centre – Loire Valley and Berlin. Orleans remains the headquarter of the association based in Oulan Bator, Contemporary Art Pole. La mire began an Artist in Residence program in Berlin untitled “A Roof Above Your Head”. It also commits a new series Tell the world / Give the speech, a short program of video installations and / or photographs. The residency program “A Roof above your Head” is open actually for artists based in the Centre Region – Loire Valley in France. The artist stays three months in Berlin and nourishes its practice in an international context. La mire provides a return of his works made in Berlin by a presentation with one of the partner in Region Centre – Loire Valley. La mire starts a new exchange residencies program with the European Center for Art Schafhof Freising Upper Bavaria, in Germany.
More than 10 years of residence program are established by la mire with associated partners such as GlogauAIR Berlin (2012 to 2019), Lage Egal(2011 to 2013), Berlin Session Residency (2019 to 2021), ZK/U (2021-…), Schafhof, Freising (2022-…), ROSALUX, Berlin (2022,…) Mode d’Emploi, Tours (2012 to 2014), School of Art, ÉSAD Orléans (2015), (2016), Le Garage, Amboise (2018 to 2020), Le 108, Orléans (2022-…), E.C.A Schafhof (2022-…) marks its roots in art scene and the Region Centre-Loire Valley.